Social Media Signals – Digital marketing has grown into a dedicated segment now. It is natural for SEO to get influenced by it. But how far social media marketing is important for an SEO campaign? Here is an attempt to answer this. This post sheds light on the value of Social Media signals.
SEO strategies today are allotting important focus to social medial signals. But why do they matter? And to what extent they impact SEO rankings? Likewise, many SEO queries, a solution to this is not a simple yes and no. Let us understand how they affect the ranking of your sites.
Factors that Make Social Media Signals Important for SEO
Social media is indeed a powerful way of communicating today. However, we discuss it from the perspective of SEO. Following are the main reasons for its importance.
Immense Popularity
The foremost reason I see is the immense use of social networks today. The more the tool is popular, the more powerful it is. Social media today is connecting people personally as well business level. With a particular social media, business is able to reach interested users. This indirectly generates interest in your website.
Grow your Audience
Social media is not directly affecting your website rankings. But it is a strong way to promote your content. Posting and popularizing your content across social media get you noticed. The thing is you can generate traffic at a rapid pace. You can post and re-share your contents across social media with different appealing titles.
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Strengthens Link Authority
Link building is a major SEO strategy. Building higher authority for your website helps to gain a higher place in the search engines. To build good link authority, you need links from high authority sites. Social networks today enjoy tremendous popularity and authority. Hence, your links on sites like Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram help search engines to know that your site is credible.
Easier to Retain and Bring Back Visitors
If you are a sale-oriented website, your communication with the users is very important. With social media, you can retain and bring back your loyal users instantly. It is super easy to repost and share old contents. You can declare new product launches.
How Social Media Improves Rankings of your Website
Social media Signals has a wonderful relationship with your SEO strategies. The weight-age to be given to the colourful signals is not so clear. But they are indeed powerful. In fact, it is not necessary that you are quite engaging on all networks. A strong connection to a particular or couple of social networks will also increase user engagement in a remarkable way.
Due to the above reasons, businesses today are finding it difficult to survive without the support of social media promotion. Social signals on your website stand for a number of views, tweets, shares, likes, and pins. This helps search engines to determine the popularity of your brand or site. Search engines today do consider this as good. This indeed impacts SEO rankings of your website positively.